Todas las imágenes están protegidas por derechos de autor. © Xan Vieito

Obra antigua

Galería 1

Within the context of hybridization of genres in visual arts, over the last twenty years, painting has been the one redoubt that has managed to democratise consensus as it brings together all possible times, particularly past and present. Paintin…

Galería 2

Within the context of hybridization of genres in visual arts, over the last twenty years, painting has been the one redoubt that has managed to democratise consensus as it brings together all possible times, particularly past and present. Paintin…

Galería 3

Within the context of hybridization of genres in visual arts, over the last twenty years, painting has been the one redoubt that has managed to democratise consensus as it brings together all possible times, particularly past and present. Paintin…

Galería 4

Within the context of hybridization of genres in visual arts, over the last twenty years, painting has been the one redoubt that has managed to democratise consensus as it brings together all possible times, particularly past and present. Paintin…